These tags can be used inside Text Tags like <p> and <h#> to style them.
<b> Makes text Bold </b>
<i> Makes text Italic </i>
<del> Strikethrough </del>
<sub> Subscript </sub> and <sup> Superscript </sup>
The style attribute is like using CSS without need a designated Class or CSS File set up, its easy shorthand.
Using the <span> tag, or putting the style attribute in something like a <div> or <p>, like
<span style="color: black; background-color: rgb(252, 0, 210); text-decoration: underline;">
Lets me change the font color to black, the element's background color to pink, and also underline the element, all with a single attribute.
Alternatively, making this a Class called .pink and replacing the style attribute with class="pink" would do the same thing.
Both CSS and Bootstrap are linked inside the <Head> tag:
CSS: <link rel="stylesheet" href="../CSS/nameOfFile.css">
Bootstrap: <link rel="stylesheet" href="URL of Bootstrap File">
Sites like have links to copy and plug in yourself.