Grid is formatted as a Class inside of a <div>, in the following format:
Grids must be inside a <div class="container"> followed by a <div class="row">, multiple rows can be inside a container.
Each Column is formatted as class="col-size-width", size can me small (sm), medium (md), and large (lg). Width can be any number from 1 to 12.
Multiple columns can be in the same row, as Bootstrap spaces them for you.
Here's an example showing how spacing works.
Buttons consist of a <button> tag and a <div id class> tag.
The <button> tag consists of a Class, designating its appearance, a data-toggle telling it how it acts, and a data-target telling it which id it triggers.
The Buttons I used were data-toggle="collapse", which gives a transition effect when revealing the content inside the <div id class> tag.
The data-target and id shows which target is affected by which button, if you keep this the same for every button and id on a page, they will all open eachother.
Anything, including more <div> tags, can be included inside a button, it's like a pop-up page.